Master Certified Health Education Specialist #2670
ACSM Exercise Physiologist Certified #17
45 years of health education/promotion experience
Help professionals, individuals and groups use evidence-based, cost-effective health promotion and wellness programs to improve living, learning, working and playing conditions.
Passion – Compassion
5.0 Category I (includes 2.5 advanced) CECHs
NCHEC Provider #100538
Continuing Education Self-Study Course
Become a Very Good Resource on Health Reform
Continuing Education Self-study Course with reading and audio of actual congressional bills and summaries and take the 15-question TF and multiple choice post-test. ($19.99, for 5 credit hours, click here to view Fees (refundable*) and register).
Easy and convenient: no deadline to start or complete, study when and where you prefer
Use actual bills and summaries from the Government Printing Office, Library of Congress and Congress Congressional Research Service
Be guided through an easier process of reading and/or listening to actual text
Study Guide (click here to download pdf): (key document with instructions, objectives, assignments, helpful hints, PDF)
Goal: Meet Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Responsibility VI to serve as a health education resource and (1) use health-related information resources, (2) respond to requests for health information, (3) select resource materials for dissemination and (4) establish consultative relationships. An additional goal is to prepare health professionals to serve as expert resource persons and communicate and advocate for health with the new physical activity guidelines.
- Describe the legislative process
- List major sections, divisions, titles and subsection fo bills
- State purpose and definitions of protections, standards, benefit plans, insurance exchange, shared responsibility
- Explain the national prevention and wellness strategy
- Find information you need to be a resource (CHES Responsibility VI)
Course Materials, Resources, Guides, Examples
- Original Bills, Summaries and Cost/Budget Studies – See pages 5-6 for the actual bills, summaries, markups, cost analyses by Congress and government offices.
- Guide to Easier Reading of HR 3200 and Understanding Health Reform – This page lets you see major and minor sections and a summary. Then you click and go to actual text and details which you’re interested.
- Survey of Experience in Health Reform: Take a 3-minute survey that can add to the knowledge about education and experience in health reform.
Fees and Registration
Self-Study Course Fee: $19.99 (refundable within 60-days of sign-up)
After payment you can click to print a receipt. Be sure to click on the Return to Merchant button to get guidelines to complete the course efficiently (or go to this link for the Thank You for Signing Up web page)
- Registration using check or money order, download, type info and print registration form
- Thank You for Signing Up Web Page – extra instructions
Need for the Course
The news indicates that the public may be relying on others to interpret and explain health reform, and has not read much of the text of bills. Additionally, a survey of health educators indicates that most have not looked at the bills. The health educators who feel they are good or very good health education resources on health reform have spent an average of 4.5 hours reviewing actual bills and have done key word searches to find information in the bills.
Health Education Partners is a designated Multiple Event Provider (MEP3305) of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). This course has been reviewed and approved 6.0 Category I CHEC for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) in health Education.
Quality Indicators of Distance Education
- Student-teacher interaction
- Prompt feedback
- Student support services
- Program evaluation and assessment
- Clear analysis of audience
- Documented technology plan to ensure quality
- Institutional support and institutional resources
- Course structure guidelines
- Active learning techniques
- Respect diverse ways of learning
- Faculty support services
- Strong rational fo distance education the correlates to the mission of the institution
- Appropriate tools and media
- Reliability and technology
- Implementation of guidelines for course development and review of instructional materials
Chaney, B. Eddy, J. Dorman, S., Glessner, L., Green, B., Lara-Alecio, R. A primer on quality indicators of distance education. Health Promotion Practice OnlineFirst. Oct. 9, 2007.