Jim Grizzell
Staff Emeritus – California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Fellow – American College Health Association
Jim Grizzell has nearly 45 years of experience developing, implementing, and evaluating cost-effective worksite and university wellness programs. His most recent experience was as a contractor assisting in the development of programs, the analysis and synthesis of program evaluation, and the training of civilian health educators for the U.S. Air Force. His previous work includes directing Chevron Oil Company’s first employee wellness program and a Johnson & Johnson’s site employee wellness program, as well as managing a health club for Brunswick Corporation. For over 12 years, he directed the health promotion program at Cal Poly Pomona.
More recently, he worked in Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Air Force Health Promotion Operations in the Surgeon General’s offce, taught at George Washington University’s School of Public Health, and provided health education for CarMax employees. Currently, Jim provides expert consultation services for the development of evidence-based and cost-effective health, prevention, and wellness programs to improve employee and student health, reduce healthcare costs, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity and student academic performance and success. Additionally, he has taught online and classroom academic courses on health policy and management, consumer health, stress management, social marketing and computer application for Cal Poly and George Washington University.
Jim has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, a master’s degree in exercise science, and a master’s degree in business administration and is 80% through completion of a doctorate in public health. His certifications include Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES®) and American College of Sports Medicine Health/Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP-C). He is a Fellow of the American College Health Association. He was selected as Outstanding Staff and awarded an Honorary Life Membership in the Associated Students, Inc. at Cal Poly Pomona. He was awarded a Gerken-Neish Scholarship at Loma Linda University.