Master Certified Health Education Specialist #2670
ACSM Exercise Physiologist Certified #17
45 years of health education/promotion experience
Help professionals, individuals and groups use evidence-based, cost-effective health promotion and wellness programs to improve living, learning, working and playing conditions.
Passion – Compassion
5.0 Category I (includes 2.0 advanced) CECHs
NCHEC Provider #100538
Continuing Education Self-Study
Healthy People 2020: Be Ready to Use it
Continuing Education Self-study Course with 5.0 hours of reading assignments and audio files (mp3). Take the 16-question TF, multiple choice and short answer post-test. ($25, for 5 credit hours, click here to view Fees (refundable*) and register).
Five dollars of your fee supports the Community Tool Box. Healthy People 2020 uses many of its resources for MAP-IT. The $5 supports CTB’s research and development and the long-term sustainability of this free global resource.
Easy and convenient: no deadline to complete, study when and where you prefer
Study Guide (click here to download pdf): key document to help you efficiently complete the course. Includes instructions, objectives, assignments, helpful hints, (PDF)
Goal: The goal is to prepare health professionals to be resource persons (provide training, serve as expert consultants) with Healthy People 2020 as a strategy resource.
- Describe the Healthy People 2020 processes for improving health
- Explain the purpose of the Consortium and how to join
- List meetings of the DHHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee
- Describe how people helped set national goals and objectives at public meetings
- State topics and content of public comments
- Describe the methods used to develop recommendations; historical context; and proposed elements for the Healthy People 2020 framework
- Explain how the online resources can be used to find recommended evidence-based actions and strategies
- Define evidence-based public health practice
- Explain prioritization criteria (qualitative, quantitative) for selecting and sorting objectives
- Explain the determinants of health and Action Model
- Share the recommendations for implementing Healthy People 2020
NCHEC Participant Course Evaluation Summary (PDF, from social marketing self-study course)
- Overall Quality of Course: 4.8 (1 = Very Poor, 5 = Excellent)
Fees and Registration
Self-Study Course Fee: $25 (refundable within 60-days of sign-up)
After payment you can click to print a receipt. Be sure to click on the Return to Merchant button to get guidelines to complete the course efficiently (or go to this link for the Thank You for Signing Up web page)
- Registration using check or money order, download, type info and print registration form
- Thank You for Signing Up Web Page – click on the text to the left for extra instructions that will help you complete the course efficiently. You will get a Thank You for Signup email – Usually within 24 hours after signing up.
Need for the Course
The DHHS Secretary’s Healthy People 2020 Advisory Committee states in its Phase I Report that “Healthy People 2020 should assist . . . . Finally, it should offer guidance and direction to stakeholders at all levels, including local communities, and should redirect our attention from health care to health determinants in our social and physical environments.” Additionally, Healthy People “. . . encountered challenges . . . . Some have said this resource is not easy to use; many potential users are not aware that it exists.”
Health educators should be ready to be resource persons on Healthy People 2020 since the intended users are intended to be from a wider range than just public health community. The Advisory Committee’s Phase I Report states this in the Executive Summary: “Members of the public health community—especially federal, state and local health agencies—have traditionally been viewed as the primary audiences for Healthy People. The Advisory Committee proposes that Healthy People 2020 be designed for use by a wider range of key user groups in both the public and private sectors. Tailored messages and products are needed to make Healthy People useful for this expanded audience-base, which should include the general public, voluntary organizations, faith-based organizations, businesses, health care providers, decision-makers, researchers, community-based organizations, grass root advocates and other sectors whose actions have significant health consequences.
In the Advisory Committee’s paper on operationalizing the determinants of health it states ways to implement Healthy People 2020 can Address Social Determinants of Health include providing technical assistance in the form of short courses, web-based training, and/or conference sessions that guide users on how to address factors in the social and physical environment through state or local programs.
Health Education Partners is a designated provider (SSP3235) of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). This course has been reviewed and approved 5.0 Category I CHEC for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) in health Education.
Quality Indicators of Distance Education
- Student-teacher interaction
- Prompt feedback
- Student support services
- Program evaluation and assessment
- Clear analysis of audience
- Documented technology plan to ensure quality
- Institutional support and institutional resources
- Course structure guidelines
- Active learning techniques
- Respect diverse ways of learning
- Faculty support services
- Strong rational fo distance education the correlates to the mission of the institution
- Appropriate tools and media
- Reliability and technology
- Implementation of guidelines for course development and review of instructional materials
Chaney, B. Eddy, J. Dorman, S., Glessner, L., Green, B., Lara-Alecio, R. A primer on quality indicators of distance education. Health Promotion Practice OnlineFirst. Oct. 9, 2007.
* Refund Policy
- Full refund if payment was 1) electronic at the PayPal sign up link, 2) requested within 60 days of sign up and 3) completion certificate and credit hours not awarded
- Partial refund (course fee less $10 processing fee) if:
- 1) payment was electronic at the PayPal sign up link, 2) not requested within 60 days and 3) completion certificate with credit hours was not awarded or
- 2) payment was not through PayPal (i.e., check, money order sent with printed registration form)
- No refund at anytime after signup with payment if a completion certificate and credit hours have been awarded.