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Master Certified Health Education Specialist #2670
ACSM Exercise Physiologist Certified #17
45 years of health education/promotion experience


Help professionals, individuals and groups use evidence-based, cost-effective health promotion and wellness programs to improve living, learning, working and playing conditions.


Passion – Compassion

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Continuing Education Self-Study Course 
13.0 Category I CECHs for CHES®/MCHES® (includes 6.0 MCHES® advanced-hours and 13.0 Continuing Competency (CC) hours)
NCHEC Provider #100538
COMPETENCIES: CHES®/MCHES®: focus on competencies and responsibilities related to evidence-based practices.

Continuing Education Self-Study Course
The Evidence-Based Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (2nd Edition)

Continuing Education Self-study Course with 13.0 hours of study assignments. Take the TF, multiple choice and short answer post-test. ($32.50, for 13.0 Category 1 continuing education credit hours (CECH) (includes 6.0 hours linked to advanced-level competencies), scroll down to view fees (refundable*) and register).
Review materials to decide if the course is for you.

Easy and convenient: no deadline to complete, study when and where you prefer and in time periods convenient for you (e.g., 30 or 60 minutes).

Study Guide (click here to download pdf): This is the key document to help you efficiently complete the course. Includes instructions, objectives based on entry- and advanced-level competencies, assignments, helpful hints. Download pdf file to see what you will study, review course materials and decide if this course is for you. 

Goal: Participants will be able to more effectively apply CHES®/MCHES® competencies and responsibilities related to evidence-based practice to promote regular physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviors.

Objectives: Participants will be able to provide professional expert assistance to:

  • Describe the differences between anecdotal, evidence-informed and evidence-based process and findings
  • Explain the process to determine evidence-based guidelines by analyzing and synthesizing findings from research
  • Use evidence-based health education/promotion, materials and resources to increase regular physical activity and reduced sedentary behaviors.
  • Determine needs and health outcomes for health education/promotion based on assessments of data related to health and physical activity
  • Analyze relationships of sedentary and physical activity behaviors
  • Serve as an expert health education/promotion resource person

Fees and Registration
Self-Study Course Fee: $32.50 (refundable*)

Online registration using PayPal with debit/credit card or echeck

PayPal Pay Now Button
  • After payment you can click to print a receipt. Be sure to click on the Return to Merchant button to get guidelines to complete the course efficiently (or go to this link for the Thank You for Signing Up web page)
Return to Merchant

Need for the Course

“The United States currently has low levels of adherence to the Guidelines — only 20% of adults and adolescents meet the recommendations. This has health and economic consequences for the Nation. Nearly $117 billion dollars in annual health care costs and 10% of all premature mortality are attributable to failure to meet the levels of aerobic physical activity recommended in the Guidelines.

When we move more, we have better cardiovascular health, we are stronger and less susceptible to disease, and we feel better. That’s why the updated Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans encourages leaders across the Nation to take action to help Americans fit more physical activity into their daily lives.

The Physical Activity Guidelines is an essential resource for health professionals and policy makers. It includes recommendations for Americans ages 3 years and over — including people at increased risk of chronic disease — and provides evidence-based advice on how physical activity can help promote health and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

The Guidelines serves as the primary, authoritative voice of the federal government for evidence-based guidance on physical activity, fitness, and health for Americans.

From the Purpose and Questions and Answers web pages of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

* Refund Policy
  • Full refund if payment was 1) electronic at the PayPal sign up link, 2) requested within 60 days of sign up and 3) completion certificate and credit hours not awarded
  • Partial refund (course fee less $10 processing fee) if:
    • 1) payment was electronic at the PayPal sign up link, 2) not requested within 60 days and 3) completion certificate with credit hours was not awarded or
    • 2) payment was not through PayPal (i.e., check, money order sent with printed registration form)
  • No refund at anytime after signup with payment if a completion certificate and credit hours have been awarded.