Guidelines for writing a lessons learned report

A report of lessons learned should address some key issues:

  • Assessment of goals and objectives
  • Identification of activities or areas needing additional effort
  • Identification of effective activities or strategies
  • Comparison of costs and results of different activities
  • Assessment of the roles of organizations in the project and the interactions among the organizations

To assess goals and objectives, consider these questions:

  • Were the program objectives appropriate for the program goals?
  • Were the objectives met?
  • Does any new information about the health issue need to be incorporated into the program messages or design?

To determine areas where additional effort is needed, consider these questions:

  • Were any objectives unmet?
  • Were any strategies or activities unsuccessful?
  • To identify effective activities or strategies, consider these questions:
  • Were some objectives met as a result of successful activities?
  • Should these activities be continued, renewed, and strengthened?
  • Can these activities be expanded to apply to other audiences or situations?

To compare costs and results of different activities, consider these questions:

  • What were the relative costs (including staff time) and results of different aspects of your program?
  • Did some activities appear to work as well as others but cost less?

To assess the roles of organizations in the project and the way that these organizations worked together, consider these questions:

  • Did any conflicts of organizational agendas or operating styles occur?
  • How did the timing of the program coordinate with the different organizations involved?