Thank you for signing up to take the National Commission for Health
Education Credentialing (NCHEC) approved Certified Health Education
Specialist (CHES) Continuing Education Credit Hour (CECH) self-study
self-paced and online course on using the social marketing approach in
health promotion program planning.
Feel free to send email to clarify course requirements and tell me about
problems you may have while doing the course.
The web addresses are:
Social Marketing Education and Experience Survey -
Please consider completing this 10 question assessment prior to starting the
course materials. It is not a required.
Self-Study Guide
(be sure
to use this to make it easiest to go through the course)
Test Your Knowledge
(the 30-question test)
Course Evaluation
One participant described her approach to going through the course and
studying the materials. You may find it helpful.
“During the Intro and each Phase, I took notes on the key concepts. I
made sure to answer the practice question at the end of each step, made
sure I understood the answer and took notes about the question. I
reviewed my notes at the end of all the phases and used these to help me
as I completed the course assessment. This made the course assessment
very manageable.”
Please do contact me if you have any questions or difficulties. I want this
to be a great learning experience for you.
Best Regards,
Online H
Online Self-Study Course - 5.0 CECH, Fee $25
Online Webinar - 1.0 CECH, $15
NCHEC Provider #s SSP2434 and SSP 2435
C - 909-856-3350
E -
W -
W -
W - www.facebook.com/jimgrizzell3
W - www.twitter.com/jimgrizzell
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