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Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, F-ACHA
CHES Logo ACSM Certified Health Fitness Instructor Logo
Certified Health Education Specialist
ACSM Health Fitness Specialist
40 years of health education experience

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Social Marketing for Behavior Change - CDC's Social Marketing Approach

10.5 CECHs for CHES/MCHES (Category I, includes 4.5 advanced) CECHs (NCHEC Provider # 100538)

Social Marketing (Definition) Skills Training and Practical Application

Self-study Course with reading materials and videos and take the 30-question multiple choice post-test based on the Test Your Knowledge questions at CDCynergy Social Marketing. ($30, click here to view Fees (refundable) and Registration)

Course Materials, Resources, Guides, Examples

Fees and Registration - NOTE: Course is being updated & temporarily unavailable

  • Self-Study Course Fee: $30 (printable receipt, refundable within 60-days of sign-up)
    • Online registration using PayPal via debit/credit card or check
       PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
  • Program Development with Mentoring/Coaching Fee: $135
    • Online registration using PayPal via debit/credit card or check
       PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
  • Registration using check or money order, download and print registration form for either course
  • After signing up Click here to go to the "Thank You for Signing Up" Web page

Need for the Course

Franks,et al state that “Practitioners’ lack of sufficient training in more systematic approaches to priority setting and program selection serves to perpetuate a reactive style of public health practice.” Specific to social marketing they state “Its use as a tool in public health has been growing although many in the field have incomplete understanding of its techniques, its proper use, or its potential benefits.” Additionally, a survey of 40 health educators and registered dietitians working in the military found that only about one-third and formal academic education, one-third had professional experience in social marketing. They rated themselves at an expertise level of 2.8 on a scale of 5 with 5 being very good. A third had no training and others had had a class session or workshop on social marketing.

Health Education Partners is a designated provider (designation letters, pdf) of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). This course has been reviewed and approved 10.5 Category I CHEC for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) in health Education.

Definitions of Social Marketing

"A process for influencing human behavior on a large scale, using marketing principles for the purpose of societal benefit rather than commercial profit." - William Smith, Executive Vice President, Academy for Educational Development.

"The consumer-driven application of marketing principles and techniques to program development, implementation, and evaluation in an effort to promote change or modification in health behavior." - from Dictionary of Public Health Promotion and Education: terms and concepts by Naomi Modeste and Teri Tamayose.

"...the application of marketing technologies where the bottom line is behavior change." - from Marketing Social Change by Alan Andreasen.

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Quality Indicators of Distance Education

  • Student-teacher interaction
  • Prompt feedback
  • Student support services
  • Program evaluation and assessment
  • Clear analysis of audience
  • Documented technology plan to ensure quality
  • Institutional support and institutional resoucres
  • Course structure guidelines
  • Active learning techniques
  • Respect diverse ways of learning
  • Faculty support services
  • Strong rational fo distance education the correlates to the mission of the institution
  • Appropriate tools and media
  • Reliability and technology
  • Implementation of guidelines for course development and review of instructional materials

Chaney, B. Eddy, J. Dorman, S., Glessner, L., Green, B., Lara-Alecio, R. A primer on quality indicators of distance education. Health Promotion Practice OnlineFirst. Oct. 9, 2007.

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Coaching - Student-teacher Interaction and Prompt Feedback

  • What is coaching?
    • One-to-one interaction with a highly trained Certified Health Education Specialist and CDCynergy Social Marketing Train the Trainer with over 28-years experience in health education, clinical health care and business administration. The coach will work with you to solve problems, insure understanding of concepts, find resources and tools, get additional tailored resources and tools to implement evidence-based, well planned and easily but accurated evaluation of program outcomes.
  • Who is the coach?
    • Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, CHES, HFI
    • Using evidence-based health promotion for over 28-years
    • 10-years of experience teaching online stress management and consumer health academic courses. Coaching is conducted on the telephone through conveniently scheduled appointments.
    • Click here for CV (pdf)
  • When can I have phone coaching sessions?
    • You and Jim will determine how often your session will be
    • Monday - Thursday: 9 am and 9 pm Eastern
    • Friday: 9 am - 5 pm Eastern
    • Saturday and Sunday: 10 am - Noon Eastern
  • How do I schedule and cancel appointments?
    • Schedule and cancel by email or by leaving a phone voice message
    • Use and (909) 856-3350
    • Live phone scheduling calls between 10 am and 9 pm Eastern
  • When will by email questions be answered?
    • Email questions will be responded to within 48 hours on weekdays and weekend requests by Tuesday morning.

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CDCynergy's Competitive Advantage

  • Extremely pre/post tested
  • Distills comprehensive best practices
  • Vetted by major players in social marketing
  • Over 700 resources
  • CDC originated
  • Use CDCynergy for funding requests
    • Looked on very favorably!!
  • Recognized nationally and internationally

BLUF - Bottom Line / Up Front, "Elevator Talk:" get your points across in less than 5 minutes or the time it takes to go 4 floors in an elevator

Franks AL, Brownson RC, Bryant C, Brown KM, Hooker SP, Pluto DM, et al. Prevention Research Centers: contributions to updating the public health workforce through training. Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 Apr Accessed on Aug 11, 2007. Available from: URL:

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