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Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA
 CHES Logo ACSM Certified Health Fitness Instructor Logo
Master Certified Health Education Specialist #2670
ACSM Exercise Physiologist - Certified #17
30 years of health education experience


Help professionals, individuals and groups use evidence-based cost-effective health promotion  and wellness programs to improve living, learning, working and playing conditions.

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Healthy People 2020 National Health Goals Draft Model from 2007 (pdf)

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Healthy People 2010 National Health Goals



Passion - Compassion

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Continuing Education Self-Study Course
14 Category I CECHs for CHES/MCHES (includes 6.0 MCHES advanced-hours) & 14 CPE for RD/DTRs
Provider Numbers: NCHEC # MEP3305, CDR Provider # HE005
Suggested Registered Dietitian Competencies Sphere Community and Population Health and Learning Code: 1000 Professional Skills and 4000 Wellness and Public Health
Continuing Education Self-Study Course
Prevent Gun Violence
Use the Public Health Approach and Evidence-Based Strategies

Continuing Education Self-study Course with 14 hours of study assignments. Take the 15-question TF, multiple choice and short answer post-test. ($35, for total of 14 CPEs and 14 Category 1 continuing education credit hours (CECH) (includes 6.0 hours linked to advanced-level sub-competencies), scroll down to view fees (refundable*) and register).

  • Easy and convenient: no deadline to complete, study when and where you prefer
  • Study Guide (click here to view and download pdf) This is the key document to help you efficiently complete the course. Includes instructions, objectives based on entry- and advanced-level competencies, assignments, helpful hints. Download pdf file to see what you will study and decide if this course is for you. 
  • Goal: Help health professionals and partners provide expert assistance applying the public health approach with effective evidence-based, sound theoretically-based and legal and ethical strategies to reduce gun violence.
  • Objectives: Participants will be able to provide expert assistance to
    • Describe the public health approach and its steps of defining the problem, identifying risk and protective factors, developing and testing prevention strategies and assuring wide spread adoption.
    • Explain the Principles of Prevention by defining violence, the burden of violence, three types of prevention, the Social Ecological Model.
    • Describe evidence (best available, contextual, experiential) for decision making and how to assess potential strategies using the continuum of evidence of effectiveness.
    • Define the health problem of gun violence.
    • List risk and protective factors
    • Describe the 2nd Amendment, and Supreme Court decisions on laws permissible under the 2nd Amendment and U.S. Constitution.
    • Describe Presidential executive orders, Congressional and state legislation that has been implemented to prevent gun violence
    • List public health and other organization recommended stratgegies
    • List potential collaborative partners for wide spread adoption (allies and opponents)
  • NCHEC Participant Course Evaluation Summary (PDF, from social marketing self-study course)
    • Overall Quality of Courses: 4.4  to 4.8 (1 = Very Poor, 5 = Excellent)

Fees and Registration

Self-Study Course Fee: $35 (refundable*)

Need for the Course

The prevention of gun violence needs more advocates who are knowledgeable about professional health organization and American Bar Association recommended, and evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies (programs, practices, policies) available to prevent gun violence. The need to know how laws can be permissible under the U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment based in its history, interpretations by legal scholars and Supreme Court decisions.

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* Refund Policy

  • Full refund if payment was 1) electronic at the PayPal sign up link, 2) requested within 60 days of sign up and 3) completion certificate and credit hours not awarded
  • Partial refund (course fee less $10 processing fee) if:
    • 1) payment was electronic at the PayPal sign up link, 2) not requested within 60 days and 3) completion certificate with credit hours was not awarded or
    • 1) payment was not through PayPal (i.e., check, money order sent with printed registration form) and 2) completion certificate and credit hours were not awarded
  • No refund at anytime after signup with payment if a completion certificate and credit hours have been awarded
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