Standards and Policies for Health Education / Health Promotion

Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education

The American College Health Association's

Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education (Second Edition, August 2004, PDF file)

Vision into Action: Tools for Professional and Program Development based on the Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education (Draft prepared 10-31-04 through 11-03-04)

The professional development component of this workbook guides individual health educators through a process of reflection, assessment, and development of an action plan based on the Standards.  The program development component provides a department, group, or institution with a set of indicators to assess organizational readiness and capacity to implement health promotion efforts that comply with the Standards and develop action plans to improve quality of healthy campus initiatives.

Introduction (Word file)

Professional Development

Practical Applications: Individual professional development plan, Annual or biennial reviews of professional performance, Certified Health Education Specialist five-year certification renewal, Registered Dietician Professional Portfolio development process

Program Development

Practical Applications: Department strategic planning, Student Affairs Council for Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) review, Supporting documentation for accreditation, Departmental and/or institutional resource allocation

Appendix (not available)

Standards for Graduate Level Health Educators

Adapted for use with HPRO 608 Advanced Seminar in Health Education at Loma Linda University from American Association for Health Education, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., Society for Public Health Educators

Policy Ideas for Promoting Health

Ideas for Tools for Assessments of Readiness for Program Development

Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, CHES



Created: Oct 24, 2004, Modified Nov 4, 2004